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Bite Block accomplishments after EIH

October 25, 2019


In June of 2018, the Bite Block team completed their Engineering Innovation in Health training. During the program, the team was challenged with creating a solution to keeping the mouth open during orally invasive imaging procedures that minimized adverse complications associated with current solutions. Upon completion of the EIH program, the team was awarded a CoMotion Innovation Fund grant to conduct clinical evaluations at the University of Washington Medical Center. Sai Krishna Madhavaram (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Srdjan Jelacic (Anesthesiology) and Dr. T. Andrew Bowdle have been creating and evaluating a novel bite block: a single-use medical device with an innovative design and materials that opens the mouth and protects imaging probes during invasive procedures. With Institutional Review Board approval, the Bite Block team has been evaluating their novel design during transesophageal echocardiography exams this month. The team hopes to complete the clinical evaluation, including flexible bronchoscopy and gastroenterology endoscopy procedures, by early 2020 and continue to raise funds to commercialize their innovation.