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Two EIH students discuss as they map out stakeholders on a dry erase board.

Wed, 08/21/2024

We look to having EIH projects start in Fall’24

EIH learning opportunities expanded with exciting new Engineering Medical Device Design course.

Five ShockSafe team members stand next to their poster and their prototype of their device.

Mon, 08/19/2024 | UW Mechanical Engineering

Students strive to ensure accurate AED shock dosage

ShockSafe can distinguish between children and adults during cardiac arrest emergencies.

Infant CPR Manikin on a table

Thu, 08/17/2023 | UW Mechanical Engineering

A partnership with Engineering in Health Innovation (EIH) and Seattle Children’s

ME undergraduate students gain real-world experience on projects that help industry, nonprofit, government and healthcare partners.

UW Provost Mark Richards gives the keynote speech at the Annual EIH Spring Symposium.

Wed, 06/14/2023

2023 EIH Spring Symposium

We have reached the end of our 10th year of Engineering Innovation in health and want to share!

portrait on lok hin wang and ann wang on their wedding day

Wed, 05/24/2023

Lok Hin Wang: A Gift that Propels Engineering Excellence

Tian Deng and the Wang family generously donated $50,000 named in honor of his great-uncle Lok Hin Wang.

inSTENT team members and Professor Eric Seibel

Wed, 04/12/2023

Where are they now? Winners of 2022 Holloman HIC reflect on their journey to success

Winners of the 2022 Holloman Health Innovation Challenge (HIC) talk about the teamwork and strategy that helped them win the Grand Prize.

Wed, 03/08/2023 | UW ECE News

An IV fluid monitor that could help save the lives of newborns worldwide

A team of UW ECE undergraduate students, led by UW ECE Professor Denise Wilson and Dr. Gregory Valentine from the pediatrics department at UW Medicine, has engineered a low-cost, accessible and highly accurate intravenous (IV) fluid monitor. This new device promises to improve newborn infant health outcomes around the globe, particularly in low- and middle-income countries. 


Sat, 03/04/2023 | GeekWire

EIH teams that placed in the Holloman Health Innovation Challenge

Congratulations to our EIH teams, SmarTrach and AMOR, that placed in the recent Holloman Health Innovation Challenge.

Audience member asking questions to EIH students in front of poster

Wed, 01/11/2023

EIH students take center stage at 2022 Fall Showcase with keynote speaker Ron Ho

Over 60 students gathered at the 2022 EIH Fall Showcase to present their projects on stage. The event also welcomed guest speaker Ron Ho.

Boston Nyer on stage at the University of Washington's lecture hall

Wed, 11/02/2022

Human-centered medical technology: Equalize Health CEO speaks at LHI series on health equity

Boston Nyer, interim CEO of Equalize Health (EH), spoke at fall quarter's EIH quarterly speaker series, Leaders in Health Innovation, about challenges in working towards health equity in low- to middle-income countries. 

Two EIH students discuss as they map out stakeholders on a dry erase board.

Fri, 10/14/2022

Fourteen new EIH projects announced for Fall 2022

The EIH program is excited to announce 14 new health innovation projects for Fall quarter of 2022. Over 60 students from engineering, global health, and business join health professionals and engineering faculty to investigate critical challenges in global healthcare.  

EIH students pitch to sponsors at Spring Symposium

Fri, 06/03/2022 | UW Engineering Innovation in Health

EIH students present to health leaders and innovators at 2022 Spring Symposium

Award-winning teams pitch their latest projects to leaders in health innovation at this year's Spring Symposium.

inStent wins Grand Prize at HIC

Thu, 03/03/2022

EIH Wins BIG TIME at the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge

EIH Awarded 5 Prizes at HIC!






Fri, 03/05/2021

EIH Team Places at Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge

Under Pressure places at the Hollomon Health Innovation Challenge! Check out the awards ceremony here
More information on HIC can be found here

Fri, 01/15/2021

Past EIH Team wins WE-REACH go-to-market award!

Congratulations to Taylor Sawyer and his team! Taylor Sawyer, DO, M. Ed and his team are designing a device to make neonatal intubation safer and easier. This go-to-market award provides funding, additional resources, and guidance to help transform their idea into an impactful solution!

Fri, 12/11/2020

EIH Team awarded the CoMotion Innovation Gap Fund!

H2neO, an EIH Team of 2019, is focusing on the prevention and treatment of neonatal dehydration in resource-limited settings. This interdisciplinary engineering student team includes Jenny Cho, Trixie Ip, Josh Chong, Kay Keyi Zhou, Jan Silva, Caroline Johnson, Eric Jeong, Cory Lam. They are partnered with Gregory Valentine, MD MEd FAAP and Krystle Perez, MD, MPH from UW Neonatology. Way to go H2neO!

Thu, 09/10/2020 | UW Mechanical Engineering

EIH teams up with regional first responders on mask decontamination

Thanks to a unique and innovative Washington partnership, first responders have a new tool for the pandemic.

Thu, 08/06/2020

Engineering innovations offer promise during pandemic

The global spread of COVID-19 has brought health care to the front and center of society’s challenges. While some engineers have pivoted their work to confront coronavirus head on, others are approaching existing health care problems that the global crisis is calling new attention to. “COVID-19 has created many challenges for our health care system and clinicians are coming to us to develop technical solutions to those unmet needs,” says ME and chemical engineering professor Jonathan Posner. Posner, who was recently named ME’s Richard and Victoria Harrington Professor in Engineering Innovation in Health, directs the Engineering Innovation in Health (EIH) program for the UW. Entering its eighth year, EIH has become a rallying point for connecting health care experts with problem-solving engineering students and faculty. The program asks clinicians to propose unmet health-related needs and selects the most promising ones for a team of engineering students to tackle. The program ends with a capstone project requiring the students to build a functional prototype and has already resulted in more than 43 prototype medical devices. Some projects stop there, but many of the best move to commercialization. “The global COVID-19 pandemic has heightened the importance of the relationship between medical practitioners and engineers,” says EIH executive director and ME teaching professor Soyoung Kang. “We’ve been thrust into a situation that’s underscoring to the entire world the need for innovation. It’s extremely motivating to everyone in our program and I believe will lead to some very important advances.” Three projects with their origins in EIH exemplify the potential for engineering inventions that, if successful in prototyping, clinical trials and the marketplace, could improve care and save lives:

Fri, 07/17/2020

Mechanical goes virtual

This spring, the UW transitioned to a fully online education model in light of COVID-19, requiring instructors to quickly adjust and implement their courses remotely. Undoubtedly, the requirement has been a challenge. Instructors scrambled to gather drawing tablets, test software and recreate lesson plans. Meanwhile students have had to navigate the demands of a very different learning environment. Student engineering competitions, a highlight of the year, have been canceled or changed to design-based formats. But engineers are problem-solvers, and amidst the difficulties, many of ME’s faculty, staff and students have stepped up with determination and creativity.

Wed, 07/15/2020

Four Teams Accepted to EIH Summer Incubator

Congratulations to the four teams from the 2019-2020 EIH program who are continuing their projects with the EIH summer incubator.

Fri, 06/05/2020

130+ Attend The Virtual 2020 Engineering Innovation in Health Spring Symposium

We had 130+ attendees at the 2020 Engineering Innovation in Health Spring Symposium for our 2020 graduating class. The event featured recorded pitches followed by breakout rooms with live poster presentations and Q/A.

Congratulations to our graduating 2020 teams! Seven teams of students comprising multiple engineering disciplines from undergraduate and graduate programs collaborated with clinical mentors to define and solve unmet challenges in healthcare throughout the 2019-2020 academic year. The 2019-2020 teams were

  • H2Neo: Neonatal IV Fluid Pumps, UW Neonatology
  • SimpleSight: Nasopharynx Visualization, Seattle Children's Pediatric Otolaryngology
  • MindMend: Migraine Biofeedback, UW Child Neurology
  • SensitIV: Bedside Fluid Monitoring, UW Surgery
  • SleepAssist: Obstructive Sleep Apnea, UW Sleep Medicine
  • C-O-You: EtCO2 Monitoring, Harborview Emergency Medicine, Stryker
  • Insucon: Confirmation of Insulin Pen Injection, UW Diabetes Institue, Novo Nordisk

Mon, 04/27/2020

EIH Information Session

Join us on Monday May 4th from 3:30-4:30pm to learn more about the Engineering Innovation in Health program and how to participate.

Thu, 02/27/2020

MedsForAll Granted Patent

Congratulations to MedsForAll for having a US patent issued for their "ampule auto-injector systems and methods"! Many thanks to UW CoMotion for providing the support and resources to make this happen!