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Submitted by sshawn on

Approximately 50% of patients with obstructive sleep apnea have difficulty tolerating the most effective, first-line therapy, continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP), and other solutions such as mouthguards and surgery have lower efficacy and higher costs and risks. Patients struggle to adhere to CPAP therapy due to the noise, discomfort of the mask, and lack of portability during travel. A solution to treat obstructive sleep apnea that is lower cost and promotes greater adherence would improve management of obstructive sleep apnea.

Student team
Vinson Yau
Aisha Azmi
Aksh Poojara
Allison Cox Zech
Mentoring team
Sina Gharib, MD (UW Medical Center Sleep Medicine)
Eric Seibel, PhD (Mechanical Engineering)
Continuing project